Three into two does go!

Three into two does go!

Earlier this year National Media’s creative supremo Mark Harvey called tfconnect MD Trevor Foley from Australia’s Gold Coast, asking if we could help them find both a Sales Director and a Marketing Director. It led to a video call that involved a very funny ‘sales pitch’ from CEO Brad Langton. Brad mentioned that he doesn't own a jumper, enjoys 300 days of sunshine, and is never more than 10 minutes from the beach.

The upshot was that, working with tfconnect’s industry partner Liz Sinclair of ESP Recruitment, we quickly found two talented individuals who were keen to swap the cold winter grey skies of the UK for the sunshine capital of Australia.  However, with our industry knowledge, we additionally found a candidate that we thought could make an impact on their business with his specific industry knowledge, Mark and Brad agreed andhired all three, proving that three into two does indeed go!
Here’s Colin Williams, Group Marketing Director; Ryan Sanderson, Group Sales Director and Andy Vaughan, Portfolio Director flanked by Mark Harvey, MD and Brad Langton, CEO. Go guys!
National Media is an amazing business, Mark and Brad are great guys and the location speaks for itself! If you’ve a desire to experience life on the Gold Coast, email